‘Thanks to the Accelerate program I followed, I feel better prepared to continue in the role I am striving for. I have evolved from someone who mainly acted on the basis of trial and error to someone who has an arsenal of tools to make well-founded decisions. In addition, I have gained more insight into my strengths and weaknesses, so that I know better where to focus. I keep a better schedule, set more priorities and delegate when necessary. I work more efficiently and effectively, and we achieved better results with a smaller team. In short, thanks to the coaching, I feel more confident than ever.’
‘Based on the development centre for my new role as CEO, Heidi made a particularly sharp analysis of my strengths and development points. It was therefore obvious for me to select her as my coach. I benefited enormously from the Accelerate program. Heidi is an excellent coach. The individual coaching sessions helped me become even more aware of my talents and limitations. Thanks to the two-day workshop “impactful leadership” held at a fantastic location, I received a lot of additional tips. Heidi provided a nice balance between theory and practice. A practical exercise during the workshop served as a wake-up call and uncovered some more opportunities for growth. Throughout the year, Heidi was a sounding board for me and supported me in my new role. I am now able to prioritise better, I ask for more feedback and I consciously build in reflection time for myself. Although there are still many challenges ahead, I face the future with more confidence and more peace of mind.’
‘The 2 days workshop “leading with even more impact” was a unique experience. Top Level. Very enriching. The inspiring theoretical framework helped me to identify my strengths and areas to grow as a leader. Thanks to the highly personal approach of Heidi and the contribution of like-minded peers in a small group, I feel inspired to start working with what I have learned. Heidi is an authority in her field. She radiates confidence. She allowed me and the other participants to share our concerns about leadership in a safe environment. Heidi highlighted and reinforced each participant’s strengths. Although I realized that I still have some areas to develop, I left the workshop with a lot of energy and with more self-confidence.’
‘In 2019 I took on a new leadership role and the company offered me the opportunity to enrol in an executive coaching program. And yes … Heidi is a fantastic executive coach! During very inspiring coaching sessions, she gave me a series of easy-to-use tips and tricks to perform well in my new challenging role. While staying close to my core values, I manage to prioritize high-level strategic topics over operational tasks, to practice new concepts on delegating assignments to colleagues, to relax mentally and very importantly to ENJOY. Thank you so much Heidi!’
‘I really appreciated the coaching sessions with Heidi. They were very beneficial to my growth. Thanks to our sessions, I reflected on myself and became more aware of certain behavioral patterns. As a result, I do communicate better now with different team members and I have increased my positive impact. Heidi is a multicultural and well experienced professional. Thank you Heidi!’
‘Coaching is useful as it gives you a framework for reflection. The coaching sessions with Heidi have given me additional tools in my role as Plant Director.
I have become more aware of my behaviour and its effect on my team. I feel more resilient and state issues more, which gives more peace of mind.
In addition, I can let go of items that do not belong to my role more easily, giving me more focus on what does really matter. ‘
‘As part of my Henkel training program, I attended a training in Bratislava on emotional and social effectiveness. Thanks to high professionalism of Heidi and very pragmatic approach during the course (right balance between practice cases & theory), I could practice every day what I learnt during these 2 days training.’
‘Like for many others, the current Covid 19 crisis has brought a challenging time in my professional career as I have found myself in a working transition phase start of 2020. This has clearly created an unexpected slowdown in picking up on my next career opportunity. During this time, it has been my priority to invest this precious time in upgrading myself and clearly define my professional profile.
Here Heidi played a key role for me as I had chosen her as an executive coach. We well clicked from the start defining SMART objectives and ensuring their fulfilment. She has provided me precious support in allowing me to clearly outline my key selling points and therefore improving on my ability to assertively transmit them to potential employers. Thank you Heidi!’
‘I can highly recommend Heidi as a professional coach. By a very investigative way she is able to find the deep causes and then to lead you to a sustainable improvement action. Heidi helped me a lot to keep the focus in a very demanding and changing environment.’
‘Thanks to Heidi’s Accelerate program, a new world opened up for me in terms of self-development. The initial Talent Scan made me aware of my skill set, both strengths and possible pitfalls. Especially the realization that it was time to invest in my own development, as there had never been time or opportunity to do so at work … The individual coaching sessions taught me to think and react in a different way. Heidi asked pertinent questions, to trigger the appropriate thought process to get to the adequate action plan myself. She was available via WhatsApp throughout the year, so we could spar very quickly if needed. Just wonderful! The workshop with other C-level leaders was very enriching. I feel I am now more aware, more mature in my role, work more strategically and am emotionally stronger. Instead of reacting on automatic pilot, I more often pause, reflect and evaluate the best response in a certain situation. I have gained more self-confidence, delegate more and put my energy into what really matters. At the same time, I experience more peace of mind and less stress because I can consciously take distance, which ultimately helps reaching (better) outcomes and results.’
‘The Accelerate program I followed with Heidi was very challenging and enriching. The individual coaching sessions give you the opportunity to zoom out in a neutral place with someone who is a guide in your thoughts and actions and in discovering your own strengths and weaknesses. Thanks to the coaching program, I have gained much more insight in myself and my role, leading to a better performance. During the individual coaching sessions, I learned to take more distance and put the organizational goal first. Heidi challenged me over and over again to leave my comfort zone, what I needed at that moment. In addition, it was very enriching to follow two days leadership training with a very good mix of theory and practice. I went home with a lot of useful tools for my daily functioning. In sum, I am now standing confidently in my role and look forward to what the future holds.’
‘Heidi Kempenaers is very good at evaluating the capability of the person with systematic approach and multi-dimensional view. Besides, she knows well how to open the door of human mind, and coach the person so that the person could recognize the right direction self. It was valuable to get the coaching from Heidi.’
‘Heidi’s coaching intervention has been a critical turning point in my career path. There are 3 points that made Heidi’s coaching very powerful for me: 1. She created a safe coaching space in a very personalized way, that matched my needs. And I could work deep on my motivation drivers to bring the most authentic self to the conversation. 2. Heidi was bringing me out of my comfort zone in relevant moments. I was challenged beyond my comfort zone with being pushed. It enabled me to meet my new self and welcome it. 3. Heidi has always been paying attention to make her coaching actionable beyond the coaching session itself. She supported me in bringing my aspirations to life via tangible tasks between 2 sessions and enabled progress. Shortly said, Heidi’s coaching has been both an eye and door opener for me. Thank you!’
‘As coach, Heidi is combining her intuition and inner wisdom with a result-oriented approach. Her drive to move forward is done with humor and lightness. This leads to sustainable effects with the coachees. Heidi’s capacity to reflect on her work gives you the quality assurance that you need!’
‘I’m very happy with the leadership program I followed. Heidi listened to my needs, and we discussed some challenging cases. She adapted strongly to my current situation and my actual leadership challenges. I got insight in how to deliver feedback, how to motivate people and set up performance management processes, to mention just a few topics. We discussed some tools that I still work with today. Heidi gave me some interesting feedback on my leadership style and what I could improve. The leadership program contributed strongly to my growth as a leader. Shortly after finishing the program, I got promoted from Director to a C-level position. I would recommend this program to others’
‘I would like to thank you for the coaching and the given advice/ tips. Although I was reticent at the beginning of the process, I now have to admit that it really had an impact on me, on my way of interpreting events and people’s reactions. I still use the outcome of our coaching daily.’
‘Heidi is a great executive coach. She can very quickly recognize your strengths and also shore up those areas that need it. She also isn’t afraid to push you to grow and be the best leader that you can be. I highly recommend her!’
‘I have made dramatic improvement the last months.
I have learned so many things.
I have learned how to reflect.
How to find solutions by myself.
I have learned the importance of trusting myself and not trying to be perfect all the time.
I am more confident. I have less anxiety about what could happen. I have learned that there is always a way to get back on your feet.
I was before amid lots of struggle and as of today, I still don’t know the future, but I don’t have anxiety about it.
I go with the flow. Trusting more my intuition and trusting more my destiny.’